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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Statement on the Adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1874 on the DPRK Nuclear Test
2009-06-13 13:50

On 25 May 2009, the DPRK conducted another nuclear test in disregard of the universal opposition of the international community. On 13 June 2009 (Beijing time), the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1874 on the issue. China voted in favor of the Resolution.

The Chinese Government is firmly opposed to this act by the DPRK. By conducting another nuclear test, the DPRK violated the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, impaired the effectiveness of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, and affected regional peace and stability. China supports an appropriate and balanced reaction from the Security Council to the DPRK nuclear test, and has taken part in relevant discussions with a responsible and constructive attitude. This unanimously adopted Resolution has made clear the international community's firm opposition to the DPRK nuclear test.

China also believes that the sovereignty, territorial integrity and legitimate security concerns and development interests of the DPRK as a sovereign country and UN member should be respected. After its return to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the DPRK will enjoy the right to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy as a state party. The Security Council action is not all about sanctions, and political and diplomatic means is the only way to resolve the relevant issues on the Korean Peninsula. The just adopted Security Council Resolution also sends a positive signal to the DPRK and leaves room for parties to solve the DPRK nuclear issue peacefully through dialogue.

China wishes to reiterate that to bring about denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, oppose nuclear proliferation and safeguard peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia is in the common interest of all parties. Under the current circumstances, the Chinese Government ardently calls on all parties concerned to remain calm and restraint, refrain from actions that may aggravate the situation and persist in seeking a peaceful solution through consultation and dialogue. China will continue to make every effort towards this goal.

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